Recommended listening for this post: Common Ground by Andy McKee, it sounds like it was written about someone on a journey

a blue rubber duck on a white towel

I’m back!

You all have been so patient while I’ve been on my blogging sabbatical which I took in order to take care of a very complex project at my real job.  I love my clients, and this specific one deserved my full attention (the project is going to be a success and finish on schedule, for those wondering).

So, where was I?  Oh yes.  I had just arrived at Frankfurt’s amazingly complex airport.  I was the first person to clear German customs that day and quickly scampered past the international transfers desk and into the arrivals area.  Why in the world would I leave the airport when my flight to Barcelona left after a relatively short (2.5 hours) layover?  Because it was time to make a return visit to Lufthansa’s First Class Terminal.  My first experience was eye-rollingly full of adverbs, and I made some rookie mistakes, but this time I’d do better, I told myself.

It was pretty cold as I exited the terminal and was greeted by the cool gust of a German autumn morning (koolautumnmorningusten).  I kind of felt like I was heading to a secret club and grinned to myself as I turned left.  So imagine, if you will, a jet-lagged looking American grinning to himself turning left out of an airport exit door.  Sounds creepy, right?  Don’t worry, I kept it classy, right down to the moment when I was checking my phone and walked into a luggage cart.  I know what you’re thinking, and yes, the phone was ok.

After a brief walk, I came upon the majesty and grandeur of…that taxi parking lot.  But AFTER that, there it was, the First Class Terminal.  This is a common picture I know, but this was taken before dawn, to make it more unique.

a building with a sign on the side

Lufthansa First Class Terminal

Familiar with the drill, I entered the lower lobby and took the elevator up to the main lobby, where I was checked-in, securitied, passport controlled, and then deposited into one of the best lounges in the world.  And when I say best, I MEAN BEST.

a table full of different colored candies

Adult-Onset Diabetes Buffet

As I stood there like a buffoon pondering the ethical and metabolical impact of eating sugar that early in the morning, a lady walked up and asked if I’d like something to drink.  I asked for coffee, and she asked again if I would like something to drink.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there is no culture that embraces drinking in the morning like airline lounges.  A coffee with a kick to it was promptly delivered and I found a seat.  Before getting too settled, I walked over to the shower attendant and asked for a room with a tub whenever one was available.  It was one of those times where I wasn’t just taking a shower because I was in a lounge (I tend to do that), I was going to hit the ground running in Barcelona and needed to primp beforehand.  And by “primp” I mean that thing guys do when they put like 1/15th oz of product in their hand and then run it through their hair for about 12 seconds before giving up and deciding that’ll do.

Ok, honestly, I did it for the duck.

a blue rubber duck on a white towel

Lufthansa FCT Duck

Observant readers will notice that the duck is different than the one from my last visit, which was yellow.  Lufthansa has a rotating series of ducks, inspiring people like me to try and collect ’em all.  So far I have two, which leaves me with only like 20 to go, as I realized later when I saw the display of all the various duckies.

a glass cabinet with several rubber ducks

All the various duckies

As pre-dawn turned into dawn, and dawn turned into hey how about another one of those nice coffees with the kick in it, the coffee turned into my lounge attendant telling me it was time for me to board zie flight to Barcelona.  We headed down to the launchpad (launchenpadzenokiknowioverusethisjoke) where my driver and and my 2014 Mercedes S-Class were waiting.

a group of cars parked in a garage

What my garage looks like at home, except for all the space and the nice cars

We headed out to the tarmac and, like most, I was hoping for another grand tour of Frankfurt Airport like I had last time.

airplanes parked in a row


Sadly though, soon after the above picture we took an abrupt left turn to my gate.  Total time enjoying the S-Class: less than 4 minutes.  That said, if you’re complaining about how little time you spent in an S-Class while being driven to your airplane by a personal chauffeur after flying to Germany in a seat next to your own personal bed for about $140 in fees, you have it pretty good.

As I boarded the flight, I was greeted by a f………………………………..(imagine me sitting down and falling directly asleep)

I awoke as we touched down in lovely, wonderful, fantastic, and friend-filled Barcelona.

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