Hello from Singapore! I’m enjoying spending some time here and luckily the rain held off tonight just long enough for me to put my camera and tripod to good use. My coworker and I were out enjoying the ambiance of Singapore’s esplanade (skirting Marina Bay) when the light show over the Marina Bay Sands began. Luckily I was able to put together a great shot for you, enjoy!
For the photographers: This is a composite blend of a few different pictures. The Marina Bay Sands was mostly taken from the same picture, although the Louis Vuitton store part was taken from another underexposed picture to reduce the brightness a bit. Once I had my background I set my lens to f4 and tried to time my exposures to when the lights of the light show were doing their thing (I missed out on the lasers, but I’ll try again this week). Once I had those pictures I put them into Photoshop as Layers and set the blending mode to Lighten and masked in the light rays above the hotel. Once I was happy with all of that I ran it through Color Efex Pro 4, darkened certain parts of the sky, and was done! Definitely getting a bit more advanced with my techniques!
Great shot!