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Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, has an unfortunate distinction: it’s the place where JFK was assassinated.  That said, it’s still a very well-traveled are and serves as a major thoroughfare to and from downtown Dallas.  There’s a small pedestrian bridge where you can walk next to some train tracks over the middle of Dealey Plaza.  I had seen pictures from some other Dallas photographers that caught the symmetry of the area and went downtown one morning to get one of my own.

I used my new lens to make a vertical panorama (the full-size image is 78megapixels!) that I think captures the symmetry of the environment well and uses the leading lines of the car light trails to make it interesting throughout the image.  Enjoy!

a road with lights on it and buildings in the background

Dealey Plaza

For the photographers: this was shot with my Sony a7rII and my new Canon 24mm tilt shift lens.  It was shot in manual mode at f8 with 10 seconds exposure time at ISO 100.  I vertically shifted three different frames to make the image and stitched them together in Photoshop.  After the stitching I used my normal workflow to finalize everything.  Really happy with how it turned out!

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