So there’s this new trend that seems to be spreading through college football here in the United States: the Hype Video.  What is a Hype Video you ask?

Well, when two teams are heading towards a big game, people on the internet will match up Epic Music with previous game clips from both teams to get their fans all riled up before the game.  Some of the videos are actually quite impressive, here’s one featuring my team, the Texas A&M Aggies, in preparation for an epic matchup with the #1 Alabama Crimson Tide this weekend:

Travel Hype Videos

Ok, so bear with me here.  I don’t know if anyone could ever put together a crazy hype video like that about something like Going To Grandma’s or Flying To Des Moines For Work, but for my international trips I’ve been known to watch a few videos beforehand to get me excited and in the right mood to hit the road.  Here are a couple that I think you’ll really enjoy!

“Make It Count” – Casey Neistat

Before Casey Neistat hit it big in the YouTube vlogger community he was already a massively popular filmmaker.  This video chronicles his receipt of some money from Nike to make a movie for them and his decision for he and his friend Max to instead take the money and travel around the world until the money ran out.

“Where the Hell is Matt” – Matt Harding

So way back before YouTube was a thing there was an American living in Australia working at a videogame company.  Whenever it was time for lunch and he was ready to leave, he’d go over to his coworkers desks and do a silly little dance until they got annoyed, stopped what they were doing, and went to lunch with him.  After saving up some money he and some of his buddies toured around Asia.  During the trip a friend turned a video camera at Matt and told him to “do that stupid dance you always do at lunch”.  They then thought it would be funny to do that every place they went and put it into a video.  To put it mildly the video caught on in a big way, many people say it was the first viral video in fact.  Harding parlayed that video into a sponsorship and three videos followed, and during the last two he invited his social media followers to join in!  (edit: I promise it’s cool!)

“Bluffworks Travel Pants Review” – Andy’s Travel Blog

Ok who would really put their own travel video in an Epic Travel Hype Video listing?  Like what kind of narcissistiANYWAY back when a company sent me some pants to review, claiming they were the Best Travel Pants in the World, I decided to put them through the most epic test possible.  Yeah I know it’s not as moving or powerful as the others but I still like them 🙂

That’s it from me, so tell me: what do you do to get excited about a trip?  Which of these videos is your favorite?

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