See the Picture of the Week archives here!

Ok ok I know, my Pictures of the Week have fallen behind.  It’s not out of laziness either, I’ve been busy doing actual paid photography work!  I’m the official photographer for a charity organization in Dallas that I’m going to tell you about soon (and how you can get involved) that has been keeping me very very busy in addition to some headshot work.

Put simply, I haven’t really had a ton of time to go out and take Pictures of the Week, but this weekend was a long holiday weekend so I made my way down to the Hill Country of Texas (yes, Texas has hills) and brought my drone.  This will be a mega quick post but I just wanted all of you PotW enthusiasts that I hadn’t forgotten about you!

a sunset over a large field

For the photographers: I really really liked this shot but wish I would’ve been able to capture it about 10 minutes earlier (before the sun was in the sky.  I’ve started taking more time to frame my shots with the drone instead of just firing away and I think my photos are getting better because of it.  Hopefully will be putting together some teaching materials for dronetography soon, I’ll keep you posted!

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