I love the city of Fort Worth. It doesn’t seem like a city really, more like a town.  It has a cool vibe, is laid back, and the people are friendly for the most part.  Some friends were celebrating their birthdays in Fort Worth yesterday so I went out to give my regards (what they did with them I have no idea). Since I was planning on having a few drinks I stayed at a local hotel and ubered back and forth to the party venue, which was nice and convenient with my American Express Platinum Uber credits.

Anyhoo, this morning I broke out the drone and sent it up over Fort Worth.  I flew safely and never had the drone out of my sight, just for the record.  I put together a panorama of the images I took, which was much harder than I thought in Photoshop, but I’m really happy with the result and the detail from the Sony sensor in my Phantom 4 Pro.  Soooo please enjoy this week’s Picture of the Week!

a city with many tall buildings

For the photographers: Like I said above, this one was a total beating.  It’s a 3-shot horizontal panorama and I had the camera tilted slightly down on the gimbal to get a good rule of thirds composition with the sky.  That made for some massive distortion that I had to correct and I had no choice but to use the adaptive wide angle filter in Photoshop and define each and every horizontal and vertical line.  I think the shot is completely worth it, for the record, but wow it took a while.  Let me know if you have any questions!

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