I think by now many of you have heard of “Manhattanhenge”, where the setting sun lines up perfectly to be at the horizon looking down the streets of Manhattan.  It’s popular all over the social medias, and, honestly, looks pretty dang cool.  (this year’s Manhattanhenge will be May 29 and 30, in case you were wondering)

Well, Dallas has some tall buildings too.  And I know a perfect pedestrian overpass over the middle of Elm Street in Dallas.  And, this week, the sun aligned perfectly with downtown Dallas.  So while Dallashenge isn’t nearly as well known as Manhattanhenge or Chicagohenge, the picture came out well enough to hopefully make #Dallashenge a thing by next year, or at least be a worthy pick for this week’s picture of the week!

a street with cars and buildings in the background

For the photographers: I took this with my Fuji GFX 50s and the Canon 24mm tilt-shift lens.  It’s a blend of two different exposures: one for the sunburst at the horizon and another about 30 minutes later for the building lights.  I had taken about 100 exposures at various points during the sunset but nothing really seemed to work better than just the single sunburst exposure really warming the scene up.  As always, please let me know if you have any post-processing questions in the comments below!

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