I’m back in the USA from a quick work trip out to Hong Kong!  Ok ok, so let’s talk about the title of this post, calling the trip “gloomy”.  It’s because the weather was overcast and rainy nearly the entire trip.  I wasn’t there to take pictures, like I was last November, I was there for my real job, so I can’t be too annoyed with the weather because I was out there to work on closing a deal.  Nevertheless, I had some camera gear with me and felt at least somewhat obligated to have a go at making some pictures.

The first picture I tried was from “my spot” at Lugard Road, which I’ve covered here numerous times.  If you’re heading to Hong Kong and want to know how to get to this spot, I made a handy little video guide here:

For some reason jet lag hit me much harder on this trip than it normally does, so I was waking up at around 2am almost every day.  I hoped for a good window of weather and made my way up to the Peak, using Uber.  Well, long story short the weather never really cleared up.  I went ahead and kept shooting anyway looking for random breaks in the clouds and ended up with a shot that ended up working really well in black and white.

a cityscape with water and clouds

I was shifting to the left a bit in this picture because of the mountain on the left rising through the haze.  Although it’s a bit more grainy than I would’ve hoped (which isn’t THAT big of a problem for a black and white picture) I still think it worked well and captured the enormity and drama of the clouds.

My way back to the states was via LAX on Cathay Pacific (no, not in Mega Super Ultra First Class, although my company was nice enough to fly me back in Premium Economy), so I stopped by the Business Class side of the Pier for some Dan Dan Noodles, basically my favorite food in Asia.  I know it’s probably not that authentic or anything but I freaking love it!  I had some time to kill in the lounge so I went back for another serving the noodles so I could get a picture for all of you.

a bowl of soup with green onions and a glass of white liquid

I don’t know what is so good about the noodles or why I love them so much, it’s probably a mix of the flavors and textures but much moreso that I’m in Hong Kong and traveling somewhere.  So more the occasion that it marks rather than the occasion itself I guess.  Whoa, I just learned something about myself!

Anyway, hope you enjoy the pics this week!  It’s a long holiday weekend here in the USA and I hope everyone here takes a second to remember our fallen war heroes on Memorial Day.

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