I’m in Maui!  It’s one of my favorite places on earth and I’ve just been having a blast here relaxing and…well…relaxing.  Part of that relaxing meant trying to beat the jet lag on our first night here, so we went to the shores of Kapalua where there were some nice rock formations and waited for what was hopefully an epic sunset.

The sunset turned out suitably epic so I tried to get a little closer for that perfect shot and just got CREAMED by a wave.  Thankfully my phone and camera were fine.  Most importantly, though, I got the shot.  I wanted to get the waves crashing against the rocks and my Sony a7rIII was up to the task, since I could shoot 10 frames per second.

Hope everyone is doing well and I hope you enjoy this week’s Picture of the Week!

waves crashing on rocks

and, just because I love yall, here’s another one from the same beach that turned out well, the waves pulling sand back into the ocean made for a nice foreground and another wave crashing against the rocks made for a cool subject.

waves crashing waves on a rock on a beach

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