I’ve had a super busy week in Oregon at the Sony Kando Trip (basically photography camp for Sony camera enthusiasts) and am now writing this in the shadows of Yosemite National Park, after an enormous and ridiculous amount of driving.

I have lots more to share from Kando, including my thoughts on the new Sony a7rIV, which I got to test for three days, but wanted to get things going with my favorite picture from the week.  One of the excursions during the trip was a sunrise excursion out to Sparks Lake, about 45 minutes away from the resort we were staying at (Sunriver Resort).

We got there, got off the assortment of busses used to transport us, and drank in the scene.  There was a beautiful fog layer covering the water and wisping in the wind.  Eventually one of the conference attendees went out on an ever so slight peninsula to add a human element to the scene and I got to shooting.

Like I said, lots more to come from Sony Kando Trip (and my resulting ridiculously ambitious road trip, which you probably know about if you follow me on Instagram), but for now please enjoy this week’s Picture of the Week!

a person standing in a lake with fog and mountains in the background

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