Weekend Jaunt to Europe, Part V: Spontaneity (St. Gilgen, Austria)
I generally pride myself on being a solid speller and grammaristicianizationer. I will happily admit, however, that ‘spontaneity’ is one of those words that just never looks quite right, no matter if it’s spelled correctly or not. Whenever I...Barthelona: Weekend Jaunt to Europe, Part IV
Yeah yeah, I know I misspelled Barcelona. I learned Spanish here in the states and have never gotten used to their lisp. In the intro to this report I mentioned that I grow tired at times of traveling alone. There’s something to be said for solitude,...Lufthansa First Class Terminal: Weekend Jaunt to Europe, Part III
Recommended listening for this post: Common Ground by Andy McKee, it sounds like it was written about someone on a journey I’m back! You all have been so patient while I’ve been on my blogging sabbatical which I took in order to take care of a very complex...Lufthansa First Class ORD-FRA: Weekend Jaunt to Europe, Part II
Recommended listening for this post: I’m Not Alright, by Shinedown (for everyone who tells me I’m nuts for taking weekend trips to Europe) Lufthansa currently has quite a few variants of First Class seating, “hard product” is the term....Singapore Airlines Suites Class FRA-SIN: First Class 30th Birthday Trip, Suite Part
Andy reviews Singapore Airlines luxurious Suites Class aboard the A380.