The experience in Reykjavik was MUCH easier, I’ve detailed it in this update

I enjoyed all the feedback I received on My Experience Entering Iceland with only a CDC Vaccination Card!  It was a wonderful trip and I was sad to come home.  Lots more pictures to come, like the one below, but I wanted to address a really big question I was asked over and over again on that post.

a snowy mountain with a body of water

How did I get my COVID test to re-enter the United States?

The USA still requires a negative COVID test within 3 days of departure to board a flight.  Even if you’re vaccinated.  Yes, that’s annoying.  But oh well, gotta do what you gotta do.

Here’s what I did:

  • I went to the Icelandic COVID testing website: 
  • I found the city in which I was staying (Akureyri)
  • I called the health clinic listed on the website.  It took a few times until I found the right person, but I let them know what I needed.  It took them a while to understand what I meant, but I just explained that I needed to pay for a COVID test for border control in the USA with the certificate in English 
  • The lady took some information from me and I received a text message with a barcode
  • I showed up at the testing center (where photos weren’t allowed) with a mask on and my barcode
  • The wait in line was short, efficient, and an attendant scanned my barcode and I went into the testing room
  • I got a brain poke via the nose and a throat gag test thing.  I’ve been COVID tested before, no big deal
  • I showed up at another health clinic 4 hours later, paid for the test (approximately $190), and picked up my test results

It wasn’t that big of a deal

Like many things in Europe, there’s a process.  You have to go through the process.  It did not seem like you could just show up at a random place and get a COVID test, you need to go through one of the official clinics and get a barcode.

Hope this was helpful!  Iceland was incredible and I’m already planning my next trip back to this amazing place.

If you’re vaccinated, have a documented positive test that’s older than 14 days, or have a positive antibody test, there has never been a better time to come to Iceland!

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