Picture of the Week: The Most Epic Fireworks Photo EVER

Picture of the Week: The Most Epic Fireworks Photo EVER

Greetings! Sorry for the delay for the PotW this week. The United States and Americans worldwide celebrated the Independence Day holiday this weekend. In that spirit I took a couple of days off of work and enjoyed a four-day weekend! Many of you have probably figured out that I have been severely stressed out recently and it finally caught up with me last week. This weekend was just what the doctor ordered: relaxing with good friends at pool parties and quite a few adult beverages!

I’m back at work and feel relaxed and ready to take on the world. I may actually book a trip to Europe to celebrate! Anyway, America loves fireworks around New Year’s Eve and the 4th of July. One of the biggest fireworks displays in the country is in Addison, Texas, a suburb very close to Dallas. They call it Kaboom Town, and for good reason. Click through to see the amazing shot!

Picture of the Week: Macro Edition

Picture of the Week: Macro Edition

Every once in a while I’ll take my camera if I’m walking around a place where I think there will be flowers or other interesting things to photograph. Something I’ve been getting into more and more lately is macro photography. I own the Sony 90mm FE macro lens, which is one of my favorites for portraits, but only recently I’ve started actually using it to shoot close up images.

Well that was a long explanation…I found a pretty flower that had a bunch of miniature blooms on it so I took a picture of it. Click through for this week’s Picture of the Week!

The Best Airport Lounges in the World

The Best Airport Lounges in the World

Shower. Massage. Champagne. A Porsche to drive you to your plane.

All of these things are found at the best airport lounges in the world. The lounge visit is a crucial part of the travel experience for me, particularly when traveling internationally. There’s just something about having a quality meal, a few quality beverages, and a relaxing shower or massage that gets my mind right before I fly.

I get asked pretty frequently to talk about my favorite lounges in the world. I have not visited all of the great lounges out there but I’ve been to quite a few. Let’s take a look at my five favorite lounges and then I’ll tell you about some lounges I want to visit next.

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