It’s getting close to springtime in Texas again, which means one thing: allergies. Wait, I mean wildflowers. No, no, I meant allergies. But there are wildflowers too.

The state flower of Texas is the bluebonnet and, according to tradition in Texas, is better than your state flower.  Bluebonnets spring up suddenly and die off within a few weeks, so people are constantly on watch for the first patches to sprout up.  A few weeks ago people in the Hill Country started seeing them, then in Waco, then along the Texas Bluebonnet Trail in Ennis, and today I saw some in Dallas.  A bunch of them!

This picture was actually a total beating to take.  I wanted to get more of downtown Dallas in the background and wanted it to be in focus but had an absolute horrible time trying to focus stack everything, so I just used one image and did the best I could.  Regardless, I’m happy with the image and feel like it’s a worthy picture of the week!

a field of blue flowers

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