Andy’s Tour of Singapore
Come along as I show you around Singapore!
Come along as I show you around Singapore!
Well, I had a great week in Tokyo. It was a bit exhausting but was nonetheless wonderful. My schedule was so jam-packed that I didn’t have time to get out and photography much, but the last evening of my stay in Tokyo I glanced out the window of my office building and saw absolutely beautiful light over Shiba Park and the Tokyo Tower.
Click through for the Picture of the Week!
Click through for some video updates about how my trip is going!
As part of my epic Bluffworks travel pants test (Part I and Part II), which was really just a weekend mileage run to Hong Kong and Beijing, I visited the Great Wall of China. I had previously visited in 2014 and was blown away by how much I enjoyed it. Once you get out of the pollution and crowds of Beijing there’s something very simple and pure about visiting the Great Wall, at least until the tourists show up. I decided to visit the same section as I did last time, Mutianyu, to see if I could get some better pictures than last time.
I’ll admit, I was breathing pretty heavily. Walking up hundreds of stairs will do that to you. Especially carrying about 20 pounds of camera gear on your back. It was kind of nuts to me that I only had six hours until my flight, because that meant about an hour of hiking and a fairly hefty drive back to an airport notorious for delays at security (I’d end up being the last person to make the flight). What was I doing there? Besides taking pictures? Well, I was completing the most thorough product test of my blogging career: testing the Bluffworks travel pants.
Shower. Massage. Champagne. A Porsche to drive you to your plane.
All of these things are found at the best airport lounges in the world. The lounge visit is a crucial part of the travel experience for me, particularly when traveling internationally. There’s just something about having a quality meal, a few quality beverages, and a relaxing shower or massage that gets my mind right before I fly.
I get asked pretty frequently to talk about my favorite lounges in the world. I have not visited all of the great lounges out there but I’ve been to quite a few. Let’s take a look at my five favorite lounges and then I’ll tell you about some lounges I want to visit next.