My Favorites Pictures from Patagonia
Patagonia was an unforgettable trip. Click this link because you will get to see some amazing images that take me back to extreme South America!
Patagonia was an unforgettable trip. Click this link because you will get to see some amazing images that take me back to extreme South America!
Hello everyone, hopefully you enjoyed my friend Lyle’s first post about some things I missed on my trip to Machu Picchu. Here’s part II, and be sure to check out Lyle’s B&B if you’re ever in the area! Take it away Lyle!
Andy takes a look back at a wonderful trip to the very remote Easter Island
One of the most helpful commenters at Andy’s Travel Blog drops by for a guest post about all the things I should’ve done on my trip to Machu Picchu!
I have an absolutely fantastic couple of guest posts coming soon and wanted to introduce them by resharing some of my favorite pictures from a trip to Machu Picchu a couple of years ago.
Andy took a trip down to Colombia for no apparent reason and thought he might as well stay at the W Hotel in Bogota for a quick review.